
Showing posts from March, 2018

Truly Passive

We like to use the term passive candidate.  We don’t want to hire someone who is looking for a job, we want passive candidates. But it’s not an either or thing.  A truly passive candidate isn’t taking your call.  They aren’t open to a change.  At some point, things may change for that candidate and they become open to at least talking, possibly considering a change. What you want is a partially passive candidate or a mostly passive candidate.  Someone who is good and doesn’t need to make a change but who has come to realize that considering your opportunity may be best.

Cutlural Fit

You know the guy who is always joking around, even while working?  What about the one that is always serious, focused, no time for additional conversation?  He’s too this.  She’s too that.  They don’t fit the company culture.  Unless they do. Your company culture is your culture and successful teams don’t all have the same culture.  Talented people in the wrong culture won’t thrive.  Not like they will in the right culture.  If you’re building a great business, the candidate pool is limited to the people that have the qualifications that you need and who fit your culture. That’s a smaller pool, but well worth focusing on and expanding your reach to find.

Skewing Young

Millennials are now the largest generation in the work force and they are largely underpaid.  That says a lot. Hiring younger, less experienced, workers to replace more experienced, more expensive, workers is nothing new.  It’s a business decision that in a lot of cases makes the most sense.  The numbers will tell if accomplishing nearly as much with a much lower salary will improve the bottom line.  And, of course, the less expensive employee may improve to the point where they are accomplishing more and still at a lower salary.  Re-setting the salary bar at a lower level can be very beneficial. The difference now is, it’s being done a lot more.  That has kept wage growth in check for quite some time, and may have slowed the productivity of businesses and entire industries.  At some point, things will balance out.  Millennials need to be productive and they need to earn more.

Brand Matters

You check references to see what you can find out about a candidate that you are seriously considering.  How hard do they work?  Are they reliable?  Skills, Character, History.  What does their overall brand say about them? If there are problems or red flags you are more likely to pass.  If the brand is strong, a positive compelling story, you are more likely to hire. The story is the same from the other direction.  Candidates do research on companies they are considering.  They talk to people, search for information, ask around.  Your brand matters and if the story is negative, good candidates will move on.  If your brand is strong, good candidates will see that or already be aware of it.  A strong brand attracts strong talent. Todd Kmiec