
Showing posts from April, 2018

What Hiring Managers Want

It’s not a secret and it isn’t hard to figure out, but many recruiters have no clue. Hiring managers don’t want to read a lot. They don’t want to sit around listening to your sales pitch. They can’t stand the idea of weeding through resumes of mediocre candidates. They have no interest in interviewing candidates that can’t be the one they will hire (whether that is because of a lack of qualifications, desire for too much money, or skeletons in the closet that will come out). They don’t want to waste time. What they want is the candidate that they want to hire, right now, without any additional time or headaches.  You can’t always make it one candidate, right now, easy hire…..but if you can be really efficient and have complete respect for the hiring manager’s time, you will be giving the hiring manager exactly what they want.

Who Does That?

Incredibly, we’ve seen a couple of situations lately where a new hire walked off of the job after or even during the first day. One of the hiring managers asked, “who does that?”  The answer, of course, is someone that you don’t want to employ.  Walking off the job without having a conversation with your supervisor says a lot. Character matters and it’s impossible to hide from.

No Shortcuts

Building a great team is not easy.  There are no shortcuts.  Recruiting plans tend to be more fly by the seat of your pants in nature.  I need this, get it for me now. A great recruiting plan focuses on continuously finding the best talent you can for all of the roles you need to fill.  If you can’t be patient on a given role, you may have to settle.  But overall, the effort needs to be sustained and resilient.  Top talent doesn’t always move easily and doesn’t always move now.  Sustained focused effort is the key.

Never Enough Arms

One adage in baseball is that you never have enough arms.  What it means is that pitching is important and good pitching is always at risk.  One of your pitchers might get injured, or might flake out.  A minor hitch may cause one of them to lose the strike zone.  A situation can come up where you just need a slightly different skill set, and then you realize that you need that skill set regularly. Same thing in recruiting.  If you’ve built a great team and they are performing beautifully, you still can’t let down your guard.  You never have enough arms.  Even if you don’t bring them in, you have to keep the pipeline full and the best possible additions in your queue.