Swiss Army Knife

It’s popular in baseball these days to look for players that are like a Swiss Army Knife.  They can do a bunch of things well.

On a baseball team that brings a lot of extra value to the table.  You can play them in different positions so you can rest different players at different times.  You can tinker more with lineups to find combinations that are more effective.  You can plug them in to do little things in certain situations that have a big impact.

Like anything team related, this can apply to business.  Recruiting just for the skill set you need is how most go about it, but finding those Swiss Army Knives can add a lot of value to the team.  We want to fill this role with these skill sets, but what other skill sets would be valuable in specific situations?  If you have an answer to that, you know what to look for to add value above and beyond your requirement.


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